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Clearance Zone Surveillance Kits
Digital Watchdog and Maxxess Systems, a global leader in event response management and collaboration systems, announce our new partnership to deliver a complete video surveillance solution to help manage security threats. Join us for a technical webinar and hear from Maxxess representatives about how their systems Work With DW Spectrum IPVMS. They will also answer your questions.
Digital Watchdog's Director of IP Video Solutions Patrick Kelly will be joined by representatives from Herta, a world leader in the development of hi-tech facial recognition solutions and computer vision. They will show you how their products seamlessly Work with DW Spectrum IPVMS and answer your questions.
30-year hard drive expert Alan Nagl will take us on a deep dive into Video Security Hard Drives and why Digital Watchdog chooses these drives manufactured by Seagate to provide customers superior performance and reliability. How and why they were developed, how they are different from other drives and their near and long term future will be covered. Alan will also answer your questions.
Digital Watchdog and Sicunet, a cutting-edge access control manufacturer, announce the integration of DW Spectrum IPVMS video management platform with hybrid on-premise and cloud managed Neptune Access Control management platforms. Hear about this new integration from representatives at Sicunet. They will also answer your questions.
Southwest Automated Customers- This is the event you have been waiting for. The SAS Dallas headquarters is hosting its open house for an off the rails good time!This open house is to show our customers how much we appreciate them. We will have multiple food trucks to feed our SAS enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the door prizes and giveaways. Grab a bite to eat, learn a little, and have some fun!We will be having over 40 vendors showing off what they've got. You will have a chance to learn about new products and meet vendors you might not have met before. We will be having product presentations from the vendors that will be going on all day.Location- 2545 Merrell Rd.Dallas, TX 75229Date-June 24th-25thRSVP-